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HR500 Horizontal Resaw


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Modular Multi-head Horizontal Resaw
Ideal for companies that need an affordable multi-head resaw, that can grow with your business.
  • Hold-down rollers
  • Head Tilts 0° - 8°
  • From 1 to 6 Heads
Descripción HR500 Horizontal Resaw

Ideal for companies that need an affordable multi-head resaw, the HR500 can grow with your business. 

From one to six heads, the HR500’s modular design allows you to add more saw heads later, and produce up to six boards and one slab in one pass. For short cants less than 1.2m long or material with internal tension, a steel double roller option is available. 

A separate control stand holds all controls for the resaw. Blade lubrication and hydraulic blade tension are centrally located to increase productivity and ease of access. Standard, the resaw heads are adjusted with a manual screw. Setworks with electric up/down can be added optionally to boost productivity.

The saw heads tilt from 0°-8° to produce tapered siding products. These features allow the HR500 to produce not only pallet boards – its most popular use – but also siding, flooring, fencing, and more. For returning unfinished cants back through the resaw, roller tables are available for a manual cant return system. 

The base HR500 module includes two heads as standard. To extend the resaw, all that is needed is to add another two-head module and install a longer conveyor belt. The modular design makes transportation easier and less costly, as well as giving businesses the option to scale up their resaw capability.

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Caracteristicas HR500 Horizontal Resaw
Especificaciones HR500 Horizontal Resaw
Opciones de potencia 7,5 kW (10HP) eléctrico / por cabezal
11kW (15HP) eléctrico / por cabezal
Capacidades de corte
Ancho Máximo del bloque 0,32m (12 3/4")
Altura mínima de la troza 10 mm (0,4")
Altura máxima de troza 400mm (15,75")
Longitud máxima de la troza 910mm (11' 9")
Longitud de la sierra 4.010mm (158'')
Diámetro de polea portasierras 600mm (24")
Características & Opciones del cabezal
Cantidad de cabezales disponivles 1-6
Configuraciones del cabezal Horizontal
Ángulo de inclinación del cabezal 0º - 8º
Sistema de avance & Operación
Velocidad de avance 0-20 m/min (0-65 ft/min)
Dimensiones y requisitos de la máquina
Diámetro de la base colectora de aserrín 150mm (6")
Normas de seguridad CE
Incorrect serial number.
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